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Migration from v2 to v3

Unified Version Management

Initially, we used changesets to manage the versions of all packages in the monorepo. However, after two years of experimentation, we decided to adopt a single-version strategy in v3, where all sub-packages share the same version number, similar to Vue and Babel. This decision stemmed from our observation that when a sub-package underwent a major change or minor update, the version number of the main package did not adequately reflect these changes.

For example, when @vue-macros/define-prop introduced a breaking change, how should unplugin-vue-macros release a new version? Should it be a minor or a patch release? When users updated unplugin-vue-macros, they couldn’t easily determine whether the update was due to changes in @vue-macros/define-prop.

Therefore, after Anthony proposed Epoch Semantic Versioning, we decided to adopt a more frequent major version update strategy, with all packages sharing the same version number and maintaining a single unified changelog.

Main Package Rename

We have renamed the main package from unplugin-vue-macros to vue-macros. After the official release of v3, unplugin-vue-macros will be marked as deprecated.

As a result, you will need to update your package.json and the import statements for Vue Macros:

 // package.json
   "devDependencies": {
-    "unplugin-vue-macros": "^2.14.5"
+    "vue-macros": "^3.0.0"
- import { $ref } from 'unplugin-vue-macros/macros'
+ import { $ref } from 'vue-macros/macros'

- import VueMacros from 'unplugin-vue-macros/vite'
+ import VueMacros from 'vue-macros/vite'

Dropping Vue 2 Support

Vue 2 reached its end of life (EOL) at the end of 2023, so we have decided to drop support for Vue 2 in v3. If you are still using Vue 2, we recommend continuing with v2 or considering our paid support plan.

Node.js Compatibility Changes

In v3, we have dropped support for Node.js versions below 20.18. This means the minimum Node.js version requirement for v3 is 20.18.0. Additionally, we have removed CommonJS (CJS) outputs and now only provide ECMAScript modules (ESM).

Dropping Webpack 4 Support

Since Webpack 4 cannot run in Node.js 18 or later environments, we have also dropped support for Webpack 4 and Vue CLI 4. We recommend upgrading to modern build tools like Vite or Rspack.

